COVID-19 Update: State of CA Mandate & Beauty by Dolly

COVID-19 Update: State of CA Mandate & Beauty by Dolly

2020 has been the most tumultuous year full of uncertainty for everyone. People, businesses, families, healthcare providers, essential workers and pretty much everyone has struggled in some way due to the pandemic. 

As for us at Beauty by Dolly, we are still closed due to the State of CA mandate that requires all non-essential businesses to close to help curb the spread of COVID-19. In an effort to help our community heal, we are complying. In full transparency, we are aware of the businesses that are choosing to open regardless of the mandate. We believe “to each their own” - but OUR own is our community, our brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, our parents, and so on. And each person in all of our collective lives if not themselves directly, have someone who could be gravely affected by COVID-19.

We will continue to do what little we can to help our community restore to health: physically, emotionally, financially, and in many more ways. Beauty by Dolly has struggled to stay afloat for the last 9 months, but we will continue to persevere in any way we can to support our team, our clients, and our small business to be able to re-open when it is safe to do so.

None of this would have been possible without YOU: your visits, your calls, and your purchases from our online shop. Our hearts have melted with the love and support we have received through 2020 and we cannot wait to give it back to you ten fold when we re-open.

We look forward to that moment of relaxation for you, where you lay your head down in our chairs - even for just 5 minutes, where you can zone out to the hum of the thread shaping your brows and the smell of essential oils stirring in the air…we will see you soon.


Be Well,

Dolly & the Beauty by Dolly Family

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